School Address

291/4B, Springdale Avenue, Punjai Puliyampatti - 638459.

Phone Number

+91 93630 93634
+91 80155 95044

Email Address

Springdale - Primary Education

At Springdale Public School, our primary years education serves as a nurturing ground for the future generation of thinkers, leaders, and innovators.

Primary Years Curriculum

In line with the evolving landscape of education in India, we embrace diversity and empower learners through our CBSE-aligned curriculum. While following the CBSE syllabus, our teaching methodology is tailored to cater to the needs of next-gen learners.

Unique Features

Our primary education focuses on developing essential competencies such as language acquisition, numeracy, and reading comprehension. We ignite critical thinking skills through daily modules incorporating skillsheets, ensuring holistic development in cognitive, social, emotional, cultural, and physical domains.

Language Proficiency

With a strong emphasis on language acquisition, our curriculum encompasses the study of English, Tamil, and Hindi, preparing students for their academic journey ahead. At Springdale Public School, we pride ourselves on offering a primary education that fosters holistic growth and equips students with the skills needed for success in their educational endeavors and beyond.

Call For More Info +91 93630 93634

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